Happy Thursday, Everyone!
Just a quick and friendly reminder: I’ll be presenting my paper, “Eugene V. Debs: The ‘Forgotten Red Saint,’” at the
Phi Alpha Theta regional conference in two days! Two days! This is exciting! Admittedly,
I am nervous – I’ve never done anything like this before – but I can hardly
contain myself. I can hardly wait.
And let’s not forget or exclude my fellow PAT presenters.
I wish you, my fellow presenters, good luck as well.
One more thing: the conference will be held in various
rooms in Massey Business Center. The cries of the great Debs will be heard once
more in Massey 413 around 10:45am Saturday morning.
And to my fellow presenters, please post in the comments
section when, where, and what you’ll present.
Thank you!