Monday, February 18, 2013

Off To Savannah We Go!

Hello, Travelers!
            M. C., MML, HI, here.
            Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend and is ready to start the week and celebrate Presidents’ Day 2013. Truth be told, I’m not ready. Nonetheless, it is that time – time to guide you forward on your journey through history.
 Per one of you travelers’ own request or suggestion, we will be stopping by Savannah, Georgia. There, we will stroll through one of the most historic and oldest cities in America. Savannah played a pivotal role in the southern theaters of both the American Revolution (1775-1783) and the American Civil War (1861-1865).

Hope you’re ready – because, off we go.


  1. Im all packed im even bringing money for peaches

    1. LOL! Glad at least one other person is excited about our stop at Savannah! :)
